Liliana Borcea has an undergraduate degree in Applied Physics from University of Bucharest, Romania and a PhD in Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics (SCCM) from Stanford University. After a one year stay in Applied Mathematics at Caltech, as an NSF postdoctoral fellow, she joined the department of Computational and Applied Mathematics at Rice University, where she rose in rank to the chaired Noah Harding Professorship. Since 2013 she has been the Peter Field Collegiate Professor of Mathematics at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Her distinctions include the SIAM Fellow class of 2018, the AWM-SIAM Kovalevsky Lecture 2017, and the Simons Fellowship in mathematics 2015. She is the editor in chief of the SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulations and serves on the editorial board of six other journals. She is currently serving on the SIAM Board of Trustees.